

5 432 octets supprimés, 4 mai 2016 à 08:40
code-source : ajout d'un fichier joint
=== code-source ===
  class Cooker{ byte relaisPin; unsigned long decalage; unsigned long intervalle;  byte relaisEtat; byte cookingEtat; unsigned long prevMillis;  public[[Fichier: Cooker(byte pin, unsigned long offset, unsigned long interval) { relaisPin = pin; pinMode(relaisPin, OUTPUT);  decalage = offset; intervalle = interval; relaisEtat = LOW; cookingEtat = 0; prevMillis = 0; }  void epochUpdate() { prevMillis = millis(); }  void Update() { unsigned long currMillis = millis();  if ((cookingEtat == 0) && (relaisEtat == LOW) && (currMillis - prevMillis <= decalage)) { relaisEtat = HIGH; digitalWrite(relaisPin, relaisEtat); SerialAniCooking oop.print(int(currMillis / 1000)); Serial.print(" ColdStart relay "); Serial.println(relaisPin); Serial.println(" to "); Serial.println(relaisEtat); } else if ((cookingEtat == 0) && (currMillis - prevMillis >= decalage)) { cookingEtat = 1; }   if ((cookingEtat) && (relaisEtat == LOW) && (currMillis - prevMillis <= intervalle)) { relaisEtat = HIGH; digitalWrite(relaisPin, relaisEtat); Serial.print(int(currMillis / 1000)); Serial.print(" Cooking relay "); Serial.println(relaisPin); Serial.println(" to "); Serial.println(relaisEtat); } else if ((cookingEtat) && (relaisEtat == HIGH) && (currMillis - prevMillis >= intervalle)) { relaisEtat = LOW; digitalWrite(relaisPin, relaisEtat); Serial.print(int(currMillis / 1000)); Serial.print(" Cooking relay "); Serial.println(relaisPin); Serial.println(" to "); Serial.println(relaisEtat); } else if ((cookingEtat) && (currMillis - prevMillis >= 10000)) { prevMillis = currMillis; Serial.print("RAZ Cooking relay "); Serial.println(relaisPin); } } void Stop() { if (relaisEtat == HIGH) { relaisEtat = LOW; } }  void Full() { if (relaisEtat == LOW) { relaisEtat = HIGH; } }}; // constants attribution des pins // 2, 3, 4, 5, 14, 19  // constantes decalage des cb avant de passer etat 2 = // 9000; 11400; 12000; 12600; // // Intervalle de chauffe durant l'etat 2 = // 1500; 1900; 2200; 3000; //  unsigned int globalState ; unsigned int prevGlobalState = 0;  unsigned long epoch = 0;  // on instancie  Cooker relais0(2, 9000, 1500); Cooker relais1(3, 11400, 1900); Cooker relais2(4, 12000, 2200); Cooker relais3(5, 12600, 3000); Cooker relais4(14, 8000, 2200); Cooker relais5(19, 14000, 3500);   //////////////////////////////////////////////// /////////////// telecommande RF /////////////// ////////////////////////////////////////////////  /*The following 4 pin definitions,correspond to 4 buttons on the remote control //(The telecontroller is Remote Wireless Keynob 315MHz(SKU:FIT0355))*/ const unsigned int D1 = 8; //The digital output pin 1 of decoder chip(SC2272) const unsigned int D2 = 9; //The digital output pin 2 of decoder chip(SC2272) const unsigned int D3 = 10; //The digital output pin 3 of decoder chip(SC2272) const unsigned int D4 = 11; //The digital output pin 4 of decoder chip(SC2272) const unsigned int ledPin = 13; //Receiving indicator  volatile int stateRF = LOW;  void setup() { Serial.begin(9600); epoch = millis(); // pour stocker le chrono depuis le démarrage //========== RF ======================= pinMode(D4, INPUT); //Initialized to input pin, in order to read the level of //the output pins from the decoding chip pinMode(D2, INPUT); pinMode(D1, INPUT); pinMode(D3, INPUT); pinMode(ledPin, OUTPUT); attachInterrupt(1, blink, RISING); //Digital pin 3,interrupt 1,corresponds to //receiving interrupt pin of the decoding chip digitalWrite(ledPin, LOW); }  void loop() {  ecouteRadio(); // la commande RF actualise l'etat global  if ((globalState == 1) || (globalState == 2)) { relais0.Update(); relais1.Update(); relais2.Update(); relais3.Update(); relais4.Update(); relais5.Update(); } else if (globalState == 0) { relais0.Stop(); relais1.Stop(); relais2.Stop(); relais3.Stop(); relais4.Stop(); relais5.Stop(); } else if (globalState == 3) { relais0.Full(); relais1.Full(); relais2.Full(); relais3.Full(); relais4.Full(); relais5.Full(); } } /////////////// les fonctions //////////////////////   void blink() { stateRF = ! stateRF; } ////////////////////////////////// void ecouteRadio() { delay(1); digitalWrite(ledPin, HIGH); // Serial.print("Locked "); // Read individually output pins of the decoder chip, if ((digitalRead(D4) == 1) && (globalState != 0)) { // locked icon == stop globalState = 0; Serial.println("Locked = STOP"); } if (digitalRead(D2) == 1 && globalState != 1) { // unlocked icon == cold start globalState = 1; epoch = millis(); Serial.println("Unlocked : Cold Start"); } if (digitalRead(D1) == 1 && globalState != 2) { // blitz icon == cooking globalState = 2; Serial.println("Blitz : Cooking"); } if (digitalRead(D3) == 1 && globalState != 3) { // alarm icon == full throttle globalState = 3; Serial.println("Alarm : FULL"); } digitalWrite(ledPin, LOW); }ino]]